Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Speech About Jamaica - "Yamma, Yamma!!"

Last Saturday, we had a speech contest. I participated in the speech contest and my speech was about what I have learned and experienced in Jamaica. I was very nervous until I finished my speech. It's a relief that I didn't forget anything during my speech. The first word that I said in my speech was " Yamma, Yamma" and I think this was very memorable for everyone who listened to my speech because almost everyone, even teachers especially Mr. Crawford, says "Yamma, Yamma" whenever they see me. The following behind is my speech script!

"Yam ma, Yam ma." You guys probably think it is Korean, but no. This is a Jamaican word that I always say whenever my little brother spills water on my desk, whenever my homework files are gone, and whenever I go to Jamaica.

From traveling many different countries, I learned much about other countries and their cultures especially about Jamaica which affected me positively. After going to Jamaica I became optimistic. Whenever a bad situation happens, I repeat "Yam ma, Yam ma" which means no problem in Jamaican. The influence and information we get while traveling is why it is think this is very meaningful and important for everyone.

Does everyone know when Jamaica gained independence? It was August 6th, 1962. It was quite late, and Jamaica is still known as a poor country.  When it comes to wealth, Jamaica is a land of extremes. It's hard to believe, but on the northern coast, which is the home to tourism, and in the suburbs of Kingston, wealthy Jamaicans live in first-rate housing, visit shopping centers featuring the best imported goods, and enjoy an elevated standard of living. Yet, not far from these wealthy places a significant number of poor Jamaicans live in squalor, with poor housing, limited food supply, and inadequate access to clean water. People in living in different parts of Jamaica have a totally contrasting life.

What would be the major factors that led Jamaica to poverty? They are slavery and colonization. Jamaica was once a colony of the United Kingdom. Most countries, even Korea depended on religions to overcome the difficulties in the past. Religion takes a big role and whenever we go up to some mountains in Korea and look down, churches are one of the prominent sights visible from there. Most people believe that Korea has the most churches due to these common appearances of churches, but that is not the truth. Jamaica is where there are the most churches in the whole world. The religion Jamaica used to overcome difficulties is Christianity. The Christian faith gained credibility as time passed by and now it is the largest religion practiced in Jamaica. As a result, there are over 1,600 churches all over Jamaica and that number is growing. It's even recorded in Guinness Book of World Records.

In addition, Jamaica needed a railway to deliver lots of resources to the United Kingdom. Jamaica was the first country in the Western world to construct a railway, even before the United States! I was very surprised by this fact.

Does everyone know what GDP is? It means Gross Domestic Product. By just comparing the GDP of Jamaica and Korea, we can noticeably see that Jamaica is much poorer than Korea.

But which country do you think is wealthier in mind? Jamaica is suffering poverty, while Korea is developing and becoming one of the technologically strongest countries in the whole world. Some people might think development and technology is the major factor that decides the happiness of people, but that is not true. People in Korea compete with each other and get stress from all the work they have to do. However, despite their poor environment, Jamaican people are the wealthiest in mind. They always say "Yam ma, Yam ma", no problem, even to tourists from other places of the world. Once in Jamaica, a waitress spilt root bear on my shirt. I was very unpleasant about it, for one of my dislikes is root bear. Although I was kind of angry, I tried to smile but then the waitress irritated me more. She was repeating some kind of word in a language that I couldn't even understand!! Later on, she told me that it meant no problem in Jamaican. Jamaica is etched in my memory as a pleasant place, due to its optimistic people.

As you can see, traveling helped me learn more about Jamaica and be influenced positively, becoming more optimistic. I personally think this is the reason why traveling is so important. I hope everyone gains many things from traveling and also, I hope the many teachers in KMLA gain a lot from staying in Korea. Thank you for listening to my speech.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

THB Juveniles Who Commit Serious Crimes Should Be Tried As Adults

THB Juveniles Who Commit Serious Crimes Should Be Tried As Adults

I strongly believe that juveniles who commit serious crimnes should be tried as adults. There are several reasons why.

First of all, juvenile crimes are serious and so they need adult punishment. The rate of murders by kids has indeed been skyrocketing across the country. According to the National Crime Analysis Project of Northeastern University in Massachusetts, the number of 17-year-olds arrested for murder climbed 121 per cent in the latter half of the '80s; the number of 16-year-olds by 158 per cent; and the number of 15-year-olds by 217 per cent." Juvenile courts do not have the strong systems that are appropriate for the juveniles who commit serious crimes. The primary purpose of a justice is the prevention of crime and the protection of the innocent. It is to achieve these purposes that children should not be entitled to lenient punishment. The purposes of punishment are proportional retribution, deterrence and prevention of crime. Rehabilitation should at best be a secondary aim.

Furthermore, adult crimial system can help protecting the society. Adult criminal system helps protect the society from dangerous delinquents, because it keeps them locked up in prisons for a longer period of time, thus increasing the chance of their reformation. These systems work, same for the juveniles who commit serious crimes. Concern is growing as juveniles are becoming more violent and delinquent in their actions. Our motion, which is juveniles who commit serious crimes. They need harsh punishment, and we have to keep them in prison, giving them opportunities to reformate and rehabilitate. The adult criminal systems not only provide appropriate systems for juveniles but also provides protection of the society.

Finally, juveniles are punished too mildly in juvenile courts. Two years in prison for murder are ridiculous, not to mention that young criminals do not even get a criminal record. Crime is always a crime, consequences are always the same. No matter the exact age of the criminal, certain damage cannot be undone. Victims and their families do carry the consequences, therefore is just that the offender gets punished appropriately, based not on age, but the severity of the crime.

For these reasons, I strongly believe that juveniles who commit serious crimes should be tried as adults.

January 18th, 2011

I think I am doing so much writing today. I wrote flow charts in debate class, analysis of characters in history class, essays and short stories in writing class, letters to the teachers in our school, and many more. Ah, I have so many things to do! I didn't even finish my history presentation even though it's due until Thursday. I have to focus on my history presentation, for my grades went really down compared to my first presentation grade. Also, I am very worried with my speech. I included many new facts and information. I worked with Julie and Jooyoung at the cafeteria for about 30 minutes and revised my speech. I feel like I'm getting further and further as I get suggestions and revise my speech. At first, I started with experience in France, Switzerland and Jamaica, after, only about Jamaica, and then suddenly about churches and railways, the optimistic people in Jamaica, and now I am talking about the poverty of Jamaica. I have to link it to my topic which is 'experience in Jamaica.' I also have to send a letter to my homeroom teacher and it was lucky for me that he is an English teacher. I hope the letter disappears.

January 14th, 2011

Today we went to Mr.Ganse's house. We made pasta, salad, ice-cream and pound cake. Mr.Ganse has his own unique personal taste. It's unique and good. It was a satisfying meal and I was too full to eat lunch. The salad was composed of spinach, meat, walnut, peach and vinegar. Ice cream was delicious!! It's not because it's something that we didn't make.. Mr.Ganse poured some liquid, my classmates say it's wine, and it was very delicious. There was also melted bananas as a side dish. The poundcake was really great. I made it together with Sunwoo and Jooyoung. Making it was fun, eating was much more fun. It was a great experience, chemical experience, I think Mr.Ganse has said.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First person narrative - "The Torture"

Now that I have finished writing on the second and third person perspective, I would like to try writing in a first person perspective. This short story is about the torture that I get during winter vacation and obviously, it is written in a first person perspective.
                                                                           *  *  *

      I was in my room reading a totally boring book that my mom forced me to read. I was about to fall in sleep and my mom suddenly came into my room.
"Don't sleep!!!" Mom screamed loudly. There was no way I would be able to sleep in that loud noise.
"Concentrate on the book. I prepared a quiz about that book." She said, opening the window.
"It's freezing! Close the window." I said, staring at my mom. Mom just ignored me and went out of my room. I wanted to close the window, but I was too lazy to get up from my sweet bed and close it. I threw the book away, putting my earphones into my ears. The only thing I wanted to hear was the new song that TVXQ sang. I turned up the volume to 20 and closed my eyes. Oh, mom, mom, mom. She won't let me have some free time, even in winter vacation!! This is ridiculous. Why do I have to read that boring book? No way, I'm not reading that. As time flowed, I fell into sleep. I noticed that I am dreaming, for I am suddenly in school and the teacher is scolding me for doing my homework. This dream is totally nonsense. And somebody is calling me.. Who is it?
"Julie, Julie!!!" a voice shouted. I could hear someone calling for me but I couldn't know who was calling me.
"Julie!!! If you don't wake up.." the voice warned me. Wake up? If I don't wake up..
"Ouch!!" I screamed, opening my eyes. I was awake, not dreaming that weird dream.
"I told you to focus on the book, Julie. I warned you ten minutes ago and you are sleeping?! You are in big trouble, young lady." My mom said angrily. When my mom gets angry, she is terrifying. She must be the scariest mother in the whole world. Nobody else can be more terrifying than my mother. That day, I was forced to read that boring book that is just expensive with no reason and take three tests that my mother made. It was such a torture, and my little brother made fun of me while watching cartoons on television. I'm going to torture him next time, forcing him to read this book. I'm planning to make much harder tests for him.

Ode to Banana

Dear banana,

O, banana you are so shiny and sweet
how you melt softly in my mouth
Whenever I see you in the cafeteria
I cannot stop my hands from reaching you

O, banana you are so soft and nice
whenever I eat you
you make me feel like I'm in heaven
you give me energy in my gloomy life
nothing else can make me feel so wonderful

O, banana you are so long and skinny
I feel envious when I peel you
I wish my legs were that long and skinny just like you
it's possible for you to try being a fashion model

O, banana you are so handsome
how your lovely yellow coat shines in the sunlight
As I said, you will be a fantastic fashion model
with your lovely yellow coat

O, banana you are so wealthy
the numerous vitamins you contain
how people have desire to obtain those vitamins

O, banana you are so kind
sacrificing yourself for the pleasure of people
that's not an easy thing to do
oh, how kind of you to sacrifice for us

With love,

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Compare and Contrast Essay - "Out My Window"

      From the website, Highrise, I watched three short videos about Benoit, who is living in Montreal, Canada. Benoit is a man who is working as a pastry chef at a place named Cremino. After watching these videos, I realized some things that was different or same from the life I am having. I would like to compare and contrast the life of Benoit with mine.
      Benoit is a man working at a pastry shop, living in Montreal. He enjoyed cooking since he was young. The opportunity for him to work at Cremino came when he came out for dessert at Cremino and asked the manager, "I am an intern in pastry making. Do you have any space for me?" The manager accepted him and he have worked there since then. Something that interests him is that he learns a lot. He doesn't necessarily do the same things, because what he learned is French pastry. There are small differences because the others are Lebanese.
      The area is mostly Lebanese and he is a Quebecer and he doesn't speak Arabic so that was
one of the hard things when he was young. It's both a good and a bad thing because it makes
him open-minded, because he has many cultures around. His best friends are all from different backgrounds. That's something really special. He doesn't know if it helped him with languages, but in Arabic, he does know some basic words so he can get by in a conversation with some basic words. Kids that speak the same languages make a group together and then since you don't speak that same language...He even tried. He wanted to learn Arabic in middle school, but they didn't want him to. They were saying he was too far behind. He guess they thought it was too complicated for a child.
      The major thing that he sees out of his window is a highway. What he see the most is Highway 15 North, a highway that people who finish work and go back home use frequently. But his wife does not need to use it because she use public transit such as the bus, train and metro. This way, they can meet their neighbours and get to talk a little more. Also, there are penthouses on the top floor of a building, not too big, but perfect for them. From there, they can see a buliding across the highway that had been recognized as being the nicest in Ville St Laurent. They "were" the nicest. Having outdoor pools, indoor parking. But that building deteriorated over the years; not sure if it was sold to different companies. One promoter decided to buy, and the city also got involved because rats(kind of like a swindler) got in. They couldn't be renovated; they had to be demolished. It's lucky that there is a highway that separates them. It's just enough so the "rats" didn't come on their side! The highway did a meaningful thing, blocking the "rats" coming over to their side and that is the major thing they see out of their window.
      Benoit, who liked cooking has a very different but kind of similar characteristics from me. First, about cooking. As I already mentioned, Benoit liked cooking since he was young and he is working as a pastry chef. However, I really do not enjoy cooking. I am not that skilled in it and I especially dislike the whole mess that I have to clean up after cooking. I would never have a job that relates to cooking. Even though I do not enjoy cooking, I do like tasting new foods. It would be a good team, me and Benoit, one cooking delightfully and one enjoying the tasty meals.
      Also, Benoit realizes and feels some differences from himself and the environment he is living in. The area is mostly Lebanese while he is a Quebecer. He feels that differences from pastry and the languages that others are using. Differences from pastry was okay, but language made him to have a hard time.He tried to learn Arabic, but the school denied. They thought that he was far behind. On the other hand, I do not feel any differences from the environment that I am living in. Everyone around my hometown is speaking in Korean, and even if it is English, everyone will be able to communicate for English became an important language that requires people to get a basic education about it. Also, I do not feel any cultural differences. We are all Koreans. No Arabic, no quebecers, just Koreans and most of them have spent their life only in Seoul, which is my hometown. There are some differences in characteristics, but no other differences.
      Benoit sees highways out of his window, while I see the gardens, playgrounds, supermarkets and many other things of our apartment. It is impossible for me to see highways from my window. I can see a lot of people walking around, chatting, playing baseball, and enjoying their quality time rather than cars heading for their homes. I personally think that watching people is much more interesting that watching cars. And most importantly, I can keep an eye on my little brother whenever he goes out to play.
      By watching these videos of Benoit, I was able to compare and contrast Benoit and me. There was some things in common, but mostly, Benoit and me are different in many ways. It was interesting to know how other people are living in a totally different place, doing a different things, and seeing totally contrasting sights from me.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

3rd person narratives - "The Creepy Brother"

For I have tried writing in the 2nd person perspective, I would like to try writing in the 3rd person perspective. This is a story about a younger brother who has strange habits, especially strange sleeping habits. He always wakes up at 2 A.M. and asks his older brother to get some water, and many more. His requirements are getting more strange and strange, day after day. That's why the title is The Creepy Brother.

*  *  *

     Usually, Ricky sleeps very early for he thinks that enough sleep is the most important factor for him inspite of the enormous work that he hasn't done. However, tonight, he decided to stay up at night and finish all his work, for his history teacher has told him that his parents will have to come to the school if he does not do his homework properly until the due date. Tonight is the last chance for him to prevent his parents coming to school, so he knows that he has to concentrate on his work tonight. Rickys' little brother Jack who sleeps at 9 o'clock, which is the time when they both go to bed, is getting ready for sleep. Ricky envies him very much, for he is in elementary school and does not have much work to do. Jack is in bed, and Ricky is at the desk. Ricky thinks that this is unfair, but tries to calm down himself with the thought that Jack is going to have a hard time anyways, when he comes to highschool.
     Ricky is concentrating on his history presentation that is due tomorrow. He cannot understand anything from the thick book that is supposed to be used as a primary source. He uses the dictionary, but it is useless. He decides to get some background information from the internet and turns on the computer. He looked up in Wikipedia about the history topic, but it was also difficult to undestand. While he was having a difficult time preparing for his presentation, suddenly he hears a sound. He looked around, trying to find where that noise came from, and found out that his little brother was talking in his sleep. Ricky though it was funny, so he just laughed and kept on preparing for his presentation. He tried to concentrate on the book, but his brother was continuing making strange noises.
"Be quiet, Jack. I have to prepare this." Ricky said, in a silly voice, not even thinking that Jack will reply to it.
"Hey, go get me a cup of water." Jack replied in his sleep. Ricky was surprised, but he knew that talking in one's sleep is not an uncommon thing. He found it fun, and kept on trying to have a conversation with Jack, but Jack only said one thing as a reply, which is "Hey, go get me a cup of water." Ricky began to feel creepy. A few sleeptalking is what Ricky can understand, but repeating for about 30 times is not. He felt creepy, but just ignored Jack and concentrated on the history presentation.
     The next day, Ricky woke up early, nervous about the presentation that he will have today. While Ricky was brushing his teeth, Jack woke up.
"Oh, I'm so thirsty." Jack said while rubbing his eyes. Ricky was surprised. Jack was repeating the command to bring water yesterday night, and in the morning he is sayin that he is thirsty!!
"Do you know that you commanded me to bring water for you?" Ricky asked.
"No, not at all. Did I?" Jack answered in wonder. What he did for the whole night was sleeping.
"You did. You talked while you were sleeping. It was very creepy." Ricky said, wondering if he is acting.
"Really? That's interesting. I don't remember anything." Jack said, picking up his toothbrush.
"Go clean you teeth." Ricky said, "Don't forget to drink water."
     Ricky hoped that Jack won't make any strange noises again. At night, Ricky had to get ready for the speech. He always have a lot of things to do. While Ricky was organizing his speech, he heard a strange sound, but it was different from yesterday. Jack was mumbling in his sleep. Ricky wondered what he was saying.
"What are you saying, Jack?" Ricky asked. And suddenly, Jack came off from his bed and lied on the floor and said, "It's too small..."
"What's too small?"

"No, it's big."
"It's big?"
"It's too small!!" Jack shouted. Ricky was surprised. Jack never had a sleeping habit like this before. As time passed by, Jack's sleeping habits became more and more creepy. Due to this, Ricky told his mother that he wants to use a separate room, and his mother accepted. And now, nobody knows whether if Jack goes is into Ricky's room while sleeping or not.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wacky Web Tales - A Crazy Night at the Library

One night something really wonderful happened at the library. The characters in the stories started shouting from their books!
Harry climbed into Charlotte's Web and started sleeping with Wilbur the Pig! Ron wandered into an encyclopedia and ended up lost in Seoul!
The craziest part was when Hermione wandered into Twilight and said, “Button, I don't think we're in Canada any more.”
Then Mrs.Traeger walked in and said, “It's ridiculous!!!! Everybody back in place!”
The characters ran around the room. Just in time! The students in grade 3 came in to get books for their reports, but it was safe. All the characters were back in the books where they belonged.

Wacky Web Tales - The Best Town In the World

CNblue came to do a concert in Julieville once, and the band liked it so much they never left. Now every wednesday night, all the people who live in Julieville put on their beautiful, blue pants and walk their penguins to the town square. Then they sit on the grass, listen to CNblue play kpop music, and eat chocolates.
No one has to go to school in Julieville unless they want to. Of course, everybody wants to because TVXQ and Hyunbin are two of the teachers. TVXQ teaches history and Hyunbin teaches badminton.
One day TVXQ said to Hyunbin, “Maybe we should take the students on a field trip.”
“That's a(n) disgusting idea, TVXQ,” said Hyunbin. “Let's take them to the most fun place we can think of.”
“But that would be Julieville,” said TVXQ.
“You're right!” Hyunbin exclaimed. “Call off the field trip! We're already here!”

Monday, January 17, 2011

2nd person narrative - "Before the Dance Party"

This is a fiction short story about before the dance party. It is written in the 2nd person perspective, in a position of a high school boy that is urging to know the time when the dance party is going to start. He calls three people and they all do not give him a clear answer. One doesn't even answer the phone. At last, a phone call comes from his best friend and every mystery is solved...

*  *  *

    You wake up and realize that today there is going to be a dance party at the gymnasium. However, you do not know the exact time when it is going to start. You call your best friend, but he does not answer. You call him again and again, waiting for him to answer the phone. After fifteen calls, a textmessage is sent to you from your best friend, saying that he is in an important conference that might change his entire life. You decide not to bother him, let him participate so well in the "important conference", more important than a friend. Instead, you decide to call a girl in your class that you had a crush on. After about 10 seconds, the girl answers the phone with a sleepy voice. You feel guilty of waking her up due to your call.
"Hello?" the girl says to you. You sudddenly want to play a trick on her.
"Hi, I'm the postman.." You answer, trying not to laugh.
"The postman? There's no reason to..." She said in a confused voice.
"Ha, ha. It's me!!" You shout in an excited voice. But there is no answer from her for 30 seconds.
"Hello? Hello?" You say, but the girl does not answer. You check the phone but the call was already cut off. You feel very futile, regretting the prank that you have played on her. You feel sorry to call her again, and she would have probably noticed who you are with the phone number. Now, the last and only person to call is the class representative, someone you dislike very much. You try to call him, but he also does not answer the phone. You call him about five times, and on the sixth call, a woman informs you that the phone is off. You feel very lonely, regretting your life and relationships made in school. Just then, a phone call comes from your best friend.
"Hey, the conference ended." your best friend says in a gloomy voice.
"Yeah, yeah, the conference that is more important than you friend." you say sarcastically.
"Ah.. the dance party." your friend replies.
"By the way, who do you have a conference with? A conference? you?" you ask in wonder.
"Our classmates, you weren't invited."
"Why not?" You say, kind of irritated.
"It's because..."
"You have to disguise as a woman." That was the most shockng thing that you have heard throughout today. 

Wacky Web Tales - Our Class Project

This year our class is doing a special science project. We have a(n) elephant that we are taking care of. It is very delicious and it has blue eyes. It lives in a(n) eraser in the back of our classroom. We feed it bananas and sunflowers every day, but I think it really wants to eat my computer. Everyone likes our elephant.
One day, the elephant got out of its cage and started running all around the room. It made a loud brrr. I think it was trying to say, “I love bananas!!!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

      The teacher is trying to teach the young student that you should not do things that you wouldn't like to others. The student doesn't like a big rock tied on his back, while he has tied a rock on other animals and gave them pain. He also learns the importance of the freedom and life of animals.
      I usually forced my younger brother to bring a bottle of water when I was eating my meals while watching entertaining programs on TV. I felt lazy so I did not want to get up and get water from the refrigerator. My younger brother became irritated and shouted at me, asking why he has to do errands for me. I replied, "It's obvious. You are younger than me." I used my power as an older sister in a wrong way. My mom heard me saying that and made a plan to give me a lesson. From then on, there was so many things that she told me to do. She told me to go get some water, turn on the lights in the living room even though she is the closest person to the lights, bring some cookies, turn off the television and many more. I was very irritated and asked her to do it by herself.
"You have to do it." my mom said to me with a smile.
"Why do I have to do it?" I asked.
"It's obvious. You are younger than me." my mom replied, saying the same thing that I said to my little brother. After then, I stopped commanding things to my younger brother but my moms' errands just decreased a bit but did not stop. She is starting to command errands to my younger brother too. Maybe my brother and I should think of a plan to stop her errands. Anyways, I have earned a good lesson that I shouldn't do or order things that I wouldn't like to others.

Diamante Poems (ver.3)

happy    delightful
starting    celebrating    earning
family       age       Santa       couple
ending    concluding    rejoicing
chilly    lonely

I  picked New-year and Christmas for it is the main celebrations that people have once in a year.
They both make people delightful and is significant to people, but there are some differences.
The Christmas takes place when the year is about the end, while New-year takes place on the first day of the new year. Just like this, there are several differences between them.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Diamante Poems (ver.2)

obligatory      concise
walking     chatting      supporting
lunch      friend      snack      stranger
riding      listening      studying
optional      specific

I selected school and academy for... no reason.
They are both places where students usually go and spend time and even make friends.
However, they are different in many ways.
The school is obligatory while the academy is optional.
Also, there is less students in one class in an academy, so the teacher teaches us more specifically.
There are many more differences!

Diamante Poems

frigid         soft 
choosing   licking   melting
flavor   summer   winter   tradition
buying   eating   dividing
steaming   scalding

I compared icecream and steamed-buns(hobbang).
I chose them because they are my favorite food for each season.
They are similar in a way that they are both very delicious!
However, they are totally different in many other ways, such as the temparature, the season that it is eaten popularily by people, and many more.

January 11th, 2011

Today I had to go to my school but I didn't because of GLPS. I'm glad that I didn't go to school!!! Also, I'm kind of sick. I got a cold on Friday, the day when we went to ski. I first started with a runny nose and my throat started to hurt day after day. It was kind of okay until the fourth period, but on the fifth period I began to feel kind of dizzy so I went to the nurse office. The teacher in the nurse office seemed very quiet, calm and peaceful. She looked into my throat and measured my temperature. She said my throat is red and swollen, and my temperature is high. But I didn't feel that sick. I don't want any medicine or vitamin. I just want 10 hours of sleep everyday. I miss home but I don't want to go to academies. Also, the teacher told me to wear the mask. If I didn't and my cold gets more severe, she will send me home!! No home! No academies! No scolding from my talkative mom!! No disturbance from my little brother! There are so many factors that makes me want to stay here. But I want to go home and watch Secret Garden and have more sleep!!!

January 7th, 2011

Today our class had a debate about the motion, TV is beneficial for students. Our team was the government and we had the debate with the same team again. I prepared much but I felt like I haven't used and said what I have prepared. Today in the afternoon we had ski classes. Thanks to Justin, who should've told us the time to meet at the first floor as the class representative but didn't, we had to eat lunch in 10 minutes. And in that busy situation, I used Korean and got an EOP paper. Such an irritating situation!!! I went to ski, and it was very cold. Also, I want to ski freely but the ski classes were mandatory. Thanks to the cold, I got a cold with a runny nose and a sore throat. My friend spoke in Korean while waiting for the elevator. There was a PA, and gave her EOP paper but he also tried to give me too. I was in a situation that I couldn't even talk because of my runny nose!!! It's ridiculous. The PAs are so sharp and strict about EOP and says that I talked in Korean even though I did not. Anyways, my friend and I both got EOP paper and spent the whole night trying the memorize it.

January 6th, 2011

Today in the morning for 1~4 periods, we had a history presentation. I was very nervous about the presentation. It was lucky for me to use the time and finish making the needed materials and print it all out. I also made copies of the Asterix book just like other students did, but I was the only one who also had copies of cartoons as a handout. I forgot to write references of those copies, so I had a hard time writing the references with my hand on each handout. We picked papers to choose the numbers and I was the 9th presenter of the class. I was very nervous as my turn was coming closer and closer but I tried to be calm using the way that Mr.Baumgardner has told us. When I practiced my presentation my voice was trembling and I noticed that I looked nervous. I thought I would be the same when I presented it, but Sunwoo told me that I looked very confident. After each presentation, we had discussion time to talk about the presentations. Some of us participated very much, while the others didn't say a word. A boy named Justin tried to participate much. That was good, but I think he says things thoughtlessly. One thing he said was that "Everyone was working on theirs and not concentrating on the presentation." That is just his opinion. Even though he thinks like that, he shouldn't let that come out of his mouth. I think it was very rude of hime to say that. Then, the person who presented will feel bad and the audience will also feel bad if you really listened. I was very irritated because I was listening and I was taking notes on the handouts that the presenter has given us. I hope he doesn't say those things thoughtlessly again. Anyways, I got the chance to see my scores of the presentation when I went to the computer lab to write about life in GLPS as our class reporter. My score was first place in class~! Yeh! One thing that Mr.Ganse has told me was to find out several other names of my character in different languages. I am going to try to decrease my mistakes and get better to get the most out of this camp!

January 5th, 2011

Even though I ate a cereal for breakfast, because of preparing, I went out kind of late. I was surprised when I saw all the students sitting in the classroom and waiting for Lily, Christina and me. (Lily, Christina and I live in the same dorm.) I wondered how they come so early. Although I tried my best to quickly wash, eat breakfast and pack up my backpack, it takes too much time. I personally think the eating time is too short. I can't be liberal and broad-minded, worrying and hurrying to go to the next class. At the adviser time, our class had a vote to pick the class representative and the class reporter. I wanted to do both, so I volunteered for both. For the vote of the class representative, because many girls have came out, the votes were shattered, and all boys picked Justin, making him the class representative. It's lucky that I was voted as a class reporter. I wanted to do something at least. The first and second class was history class by Mr.Ganse. The good thing about history class is that Mr.Ganse lets us to go to the library or the second floor to research for our presentations. There's no time or chance to use the computer and make our presentations other than that time. It was lucky for me to finish in that time but I wonder if it will be a ten minute presentation. Also in debate class, we had two debates. It was kind of tiring, but it also helped out class to improve much. I liked our debate T.A. because he pointed our some negative things for us and was very nice. It was a tiring day, and at the time that I was about to write this diary I went to the computer lab to get reporter education. Now I want some sleep!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Embrace Life - Always Wear Your Seatbelt

viral video is one that becomes popular through the process of Internet sharing, typically through video sharing websites and email. Viral videos often contain humorous content and include televised comedy sketches. The viral video that I want to talk about is Embrace Life - Always Wear Your seatbelt

Click here to watch the video!

As you can see, the man is driving with a smile on his face. He looks at his family and they are also happy. Suddenly, the mans' face changes which tells us that he is in a car accident. The daughter and the wife runs to him and their arms become his seatbelts which secures him and saves his life. I think this is a very good video to motivate people to always wear their seatbelts. People really should for even though it is uncomfortable, it can secure people and even save their lives. People, especially drivers, should always wear their seatbelts for not only for themselves, but also for their family.

Monday, January 10, 2011

About Circe

I have read a book named The Odyssey and I would like to talk about a specific character, Circe. Before introducing the character, I would like to provide background information about the book, The Odyssey. The Odyssey is an ancient Greek poem that mainly centers on the Greek hero Odysseus or Ulysses, which is his Latin name and his long journey home following the fall of Troy. It takes Odysseus ten years to reach Ithaca after the ten-year of Trojan War.

Circe is a woman and her age is unknown. She is the nymph with lovely braids, who is living in AEaea. She is the only one living in that island, so she is very lonely, and lucky for her, a handsome man, which is Odysseus, appears and makes Circe to love him very passionately. In addition, she is similar to a witch for she has magical power that she can use. She also owns awesome power to speak with a human voice. For she has much power, she is fearless. She usually uses her power to turn people into swine, and by this we can say that she is kind of evil. Also, she is the true sister of murderous-minded AEetes, and the aunt of Medea.

I would like to tell how Circe and Odysseus got to meet. Ulysses’ crew went on again till they arrived at AEaea, the island that Circe is living in. Here Ulysses’ crew was separated into two groups, one leaded by Ulysses which stayed at the ship and the other headed by Eurylochus which found the beautiful palace home to Circe. The others went into the palace while Eurylochus stayed outside, lingering on the porch, cautious of the danger that might occur. I personally think that was a very clever decision to make. At first, Circe greeted and welcomed them very much. She served them much food to eat and the men enjoyed and feasted themselves. Time flowed, and suddenly Circe started from her seat, waved her wand over their heads, and turned them into swine.
“ Then instantly
She touched them with a wand, and shut them up
In sties, transformed to swine in head and voice,
Bristles and shape, though still the human mind
Remained to them. Thus sorrowing they were driven
Into their cells, where Circe flung to them
Acorns of oak and ilex, and the fruit
Of cornel, such as nourish wallowing swine.”

I included this part because I think it is a very important scene. This major situation has led Circe and Odysseus to meet and fall in love.
Fortunately, there was clever Eurylochus and he reported the situation and Ulysses comes and solves the problem with the help of the herb that Hermes has given him. However, he falls in love with Circe. As the time flows, the crew wants Ulysses to leave Circe and go back home. Odysseus feels sorry for Circe, and Circe doesn’t want him to go due to the lonely times after he leaves her. However, Circe let him go and Odysseus makes a clever decision to go back home. It is a sad love story. I think that even if Odysseus did not leave her and live with her in that island, he would have felt very guilty for the family he has in Ithaca. Circe seems mean and evil, but it is because she has a wound in her mind. And I think that the characters that are villains are because they have a scar or a wound in their hearts and it’s same with Circe. Although there are many negative aspects of her, we shouldn’t look Circe with a negative gaze.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Writing Chain - "Daydream" by Class 26

    My essay  is about daydreaming in class. It is fiction, for I usually do not enjoy writing argumentative essay. I wanted it to be kind of funny and humerous but it didn't turn out to be that entertaining. It's really just about daydreaming in class and getting scolded, and I think that most of students have experienced or saw a student getting scolded so it won't be that fun. I warn you, it's not fun at all.

*     *     *
     In the future, I might be teaching students, just like the teachers teaching us. It would feel new and fresh in the position of teaching the students. I have always wanted to become a teacher. I wish future will come s...
"Wendy? Wendy!" Mr.Polymer called on me while touching his white beard.
"Yes, Mr.Polymer." I replied. He must have noticed that I have been thinking about something off topic of the class. If I get one more yellow card, my parents come to the school!
"It's a nice place for daydreaming, isn't it?" Mr.Polymer said, with a little frown on his face.
"Er... I don't know, sir, I.." I replied, wondering what would come next.
"Don't you think it's quite dusty here? Why don't you clean the classroom after class?" That wasn't a question for sure. She also said "After you finish cleaning, I'd like to hear a brief summary of what we have discussed in class today. Class dismissed." I was felt quite embarrassed. Even though it was my fault that I daydreamed in class, and I deserve some punishment for it, she shouldn't give me embarrassment.
     "Thank you so much." I murmured quietly and packed my bag. It was already five o'clock. While the others were heading for their comfortable lovely home, I was heading for the dirty stinking broom. As I was trying to pick up the broom, someone punched my back.
"Ouch! It hurts!" I shouted and looked back to see the evil person that hit me. It was Sally, my best friend. She was having an evil smile on her face.
"You shouldn't have daydreamed in Mr.Polymer's time. You know that for you experienced a lot." Sally said in a way that irritated me. "Don't you even feel sorry for your friend who waits after school because of YOU?"
"Sorry, Sally. I was just thinking about being a teacher." I replied, but Sally just laughed.
"Well, teachers don't clean the classrooms."
"Ha, ha. Very funny, Sally."
"Do you want me to help?" Sally asked but she seemed so tired.
"It's okay. I can do it by myself."
I cleaned the classroom very quickly for my waiting friend. I really felt sorry for her, waiting everyday for having a friend who always daydreams in class. As much as I was feeling sorry for her, my feeling of disliking Mr.Polymer was growing. I started to think of a way to revenge to Mr.Polymer. I started listing what Mr.Polymer hated the most. The first thing was being called as Polly Pocket. He hated that nickname and got angry to almost every student who said that in front of him. Also, he doesn't like students daydreaming in class for sure. He doesn't like paper airplanes, especially on the ground, and chatting in class...... The thing that he doesn't like most is.. I couldn't think of anymore. Just right then, a brilliant thought flashed in my head.
The thing he dislikes the most is talking about his dead daughter. I didn't want to be cruel. However, the way he treats me is always cruel and I wanted to show how much hatred I have inside my mind.
     That night, in my dreams, Mr.Polymer cried very  much, regretting and apologizing for his treatment towards me. Even though it took place in my dreams, I felt much better. But I did not change my mind to execute my plans in real life. The dream just ensured me that the plan was going to work.
     Time has flowed and now the time has came. I took in a deep breath and walked into the classroom.
"Hello, Mr.Polymer." I said with a smile on my face. Mr.Polymer was surprised.
"Wow, you changed. Was it due to your punishment yesterday? It's your first time to smile and say hello first." Mr.Polymer replied in wonder.
"I decided to change. Wow, it's very sunny today, just like the day when your daughter died because of a extremely serious constipation." I said, trying to hide my smile.
"...It's very rude of you to mention that. Sit down. Let's go to work, class." Mr.Polymer said with a serious look.
"Ah, sunny, sunny day. Mr.Polymer, may I go to the restroom? I think I am going to have constipation if I don't go right now." Some of my classmates started to laugh, but most of them stayed silent for even if sounds silly, it is a serious thing for Mr.Polymer.
"Why!! Why are you!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!" Mr.Polymer screamed. Everyone was frightened. Mr.Polymer turned into a huge red monster. He was stomping his feet hard and the school was trembling. He lifted his foot and stepped on me.
     Suddenly, I was in a different place. I was looking up upon the green ceiling decorated with yellow butterflies. I was in my bedroom.