Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 7th, 2011

Today our class had a debate about the motion, TV is beneficial for students. Our team was the government and we had the debate with the same team again. I prepared much but I felt like I haven't used and said what I have prepared. Today in the afternoon we had ski classes. Thanks to Justin, who should've told us the time to meet at the first floor as the class representative but didn't, we had to eat lunch in 10 minutes. And in that busy situation, I used Korean and got an EOP paper. Such an irritating situation!!! I went to ski, and it was very cold. Also, I want to ski freely but the ski classes were mandatory. Thanks to the cold, I got a cold with a runny nose and a sore throat. My friend spoke in Korean while waiting for the elevator. There was a PA, and gave her EOP paper but he also tried to give me too. I was in a situation that I couldn't even talk because of my runny nose!!! It's ridiculous. The PAs are so sharp and strict about EOP and says that I talked in Korean even though I did not. Anyways, my friend and I both got EOP paper and spent the whole night trying the memorize it.

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