Sunday, January 9, 2011

Writing Chain - "Daydream" by Class 26

    My essay  is about daydreaming in class. It is fiction, for I usually do not enjoy writing argumentative essay. I wanted it to be kind of funny and humerous but it didn't turn out to be that entertaining. It's really just about daydreaming in class and getting scolded, and I think that most of students have experienced or saw a student getting scolded so it won't be that fun. I warn you, it's not fun at all.

*     *     *
     In the future, I might be teaching students, just like the teachers teaching us. It would feel new and fresh in the position of teaching the students. I have always wanted to become a teacher. I wish future will come s...
"Wendy? Wendy!" Mr.Polymer called on me while touching his white beard.
"Yes, Mr.Polymer." I replied. He must have noticed that I have been thinking about something off topic of the class. If I get one more yellow card, my parents come to the school!
"It's a nice place for daydreaming, isn't it?" Mr.Polymer said, with a little frown on his face.
"Er... I don't know, sir, I.." I replied, wondering what would come next.
"Don't you think it's quite dusty here? Why don't you clean the classroom after class?" That wasn't a question for sure. She also said "After you finish cleaning, I'd like to hear a brief summary of what we have discussed in class today. Class dismissed." I was felt quite embarrassed. Even though it was my fault that I daydreamed in class, and I deserve some punishment for it, she shouldn't give me embarrassment.
     "Thank you so much." I murmured quietly and packed my bag. It was already five o'clock. While the others were heading for their comfortable lovely home, I was heading for the dirty stinking broom. As I was trying to pick up the broom, someone punched my back.
"Ouch! It hurts!" I shouted and looked back to see the evil person that hit me. It was Sally, my best friend. She was having an evil smile on her face.
"You shouldn't have daydreamed in Mr.Polymer's time. You know that for you experienced a lot." Sally said in a way that irritated me. "Don't you even feel sorry for your friend who waits after school because of YOU?"
"Sorry, Sally. I was just thinking about being a teacher." I replied, but Sally just laughed.
"Well, teachers don't clean the classrooms."
"Ha, ha. Very funny, Sally."
"Do you want me to help?" Sally asked but she seemed so tired.
"It's okay. I can do it by myself."
I cleaned the classroom very quickly for my waiting friend. I really felt sorry for her, waiting everyday for having a friend who always daydreams in class. As much as I was feeling sorry for her, my feeling of disliking Mr.Polymer was growing. I started to think of a way to revenge to Mr.Polymer. I started listing what Mr.Polymer hated the most. The first thing was being called as Polly Pocket. He hated that nickname and got angry to almost every student who said that in front of him. Also, he doesn't like students daydreaming in class for sure. He doesn't like paper airplanes, especially on the ground, and chatting in class...... The thing that he doesn't like most is.. I couldn't think of anymore. Just right then, a brilliant thought flashed in my head.
The thing he dislikes the most is talking about his dead daughter. I didn't want to be cruel. However, the way he treats me is always cruel and I wanted to show how much hatred I have inside my mind.
     That night, in my dreams, Mr.Polymer cried very  much, regretting and apologizing for his treatment towards me. Even though it took place in my dreams, I felt much better. But I did not change my mind to execute my plans in real life. The dream just ensured me that the plan was going to work.
     Time has flowed and now the time has came. I took in a deep breath and walked into the classroom.
"Hello, Mr.Polymer." I said with a smile on my face. Mr.Polymer was surprised.
"Wow, you changed. Was it due to your punishment yesterday? It's your first time to smile and say hello first." Mr.Polymer replied in wonder.
"I decided to change. Wow, it's very sunny today, just like the day when your daughter died because of a extremely serious constipation." I said, trying to hide my smile.
"...It's very rude of you to mention that. Sit down. Let's go to work, class." Mr.Polymer said with a serious look.
"Ah, sunny, sunny day. Mr.Polymer, may I go to the restroom? I think I am going to have constipation if I don't go right now." Some of my classmates started to laugh, but most of them stayed silent for even if sounds silly, it is a serious thing for Mr.Polymer.
"Why!! Why are you!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!" Mr.Polymer screamed. Everyone was frightened. Mr.Polymer turned into a huge red monster. He was stomping his feet hard and the school was trembling. He lifted his foot and stepped on me.
     Suddenly, I was in a different place. I was looking up upon the green ceiling decorated with yellow butterflies. I was in my bedroom.

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