Thursday, January 13, 2011

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay: "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

      The teacher is trying to teach the young student that you should not do things that you wouldn't like to others. The student doesn't like a big rock tied on his back, while he has tied a rock on other animals and gave them pain. He also learns the importance of the freedom and life of animals.
      I usually forced my younger brother to bring a bottle of water when I was eating my meals while watching entertaining programs on TV. I felt lazy so I did not want to get up and get water from the refrigerator. My younger brother became irritated and shouted at me, asking why he has to do errands for me. I replied, "It's obvious. You are younger than me." I used my power as an older sister in a wrong way. My mom heard me saying that and made a plan to give me a lesson. From then on, there was so many things that she told me to do. She told me to go get some water, turn on the lights in the living room even though she is the closest person to the lights, bring some cookies, turn off the television and many more. I was very irritated and asked her to do it by herself.
"You have to do it." my mom said to me with a smile.
"Why do I have to do it?" I asked.
"It's obvious. You are younger than me." my mom replied, saying the same thing that I said to my little brother. After then, I stopped commanding things to my younger brother but my moms' errands just decreased a bit but did not stop. She is starting to command errands to my younger brother too. Maybe my brother and I should think of a plan to stop her errands. Anyways, I have earned a good lesson that I shouldn't do or order things that I wouldn't like to others.

1 comment:

  1. That's a funny story, Julie. I like how you made that connection of learning from experience, or walking a mile in someone else's shoes. I wonder if your situation was more of a joke, or more of a punishment? Seems like your mother was having some fun at your expense in a good way.
