Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ode to Banana

Dear banana,

O, banana you are so shiny and sweet
how you melt softly in my mouth
Whenever I see you in the cafeteria
I cannot stop my hands from reaching you

O, banana you are so soft and nice
whenever I eat you
you make me feel like I'm in heaven
you give me energy in my gloomy life
nothing else can make me feel so wonderful

O, banana you are so long and skinny
I feel envious when I peel you
I wish my legs were that long and skinny just like you
it's possible for you to try being a fashion model

O, banana you are so handsome
how your lovely yellow coat shines in the sunlight
As I said, you will be a fantastic fashion model
with your lovely yellow coat

O, banana you are so wealthy
the numerous vitamins you contain
how people have desire to obtain those vitamins

O, banana you are so kind
sacrificing yourself for the pleasure of people
that's not an easy thing to do
oh, how kind of you to sacrifice for us

With love,

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