Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First person narrative - "The Torture"

Now that I have finished writing on the second and third person perspective, I would like to try writing in a first person perspective. This short story is about the torture that I get during winter vacation and obviously, it is written in a first person perspective.
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      I was in my room reading a totally boring book that my mom forced me to read. I was about to fall in sleep and my mom suddenly came into my room.
"Don't sleep!!!" Mom screamed loudly. There was no way I would be able to sleep in that loud noise.
"Concentrate on the book. I prepared a quiz about that book." She said, opening the window.
"It's freezing! Close the window." I said, staring at my mom. Mom just ignored me and went out of my room. I wanted to close the window, but I was too lazy to get up from my sweet bed and close it. I threw the book away, putting my earphones into my ears. The only thing I wanted to hear was the new song that TVXQ sang. I turned up the volume to 20 and closed my eyes. Oh, mom, mom, mom. She won't let me have some free time, even in winter vacation!! This is ridiculous. Why do I have to read that boring book? No way, I'm not reading that. As time flowed, I fell into sleep. I noticed that I am dreaming, for I am suddenly in school and the teacher is scolding me for doing my homework. This dream is totally nonsense. And somebody is calling me.. Who is it?
"Julie, Julie!!!" a voice shouted. I could hear someone calling for me but I couldn't know who was calling me.
"Julie!!! If you don't wake up.." the voice warned me. Wake up? If I don't wake up..
"Ouch!!" I screamed, opening my eyes. I was awake, not dreaming that weird dream.
"I told you to focus on the book, Julie. I warned you ten minutes ago and you are sleeping?! You are in big trouble, young lady." My mom said angrily. When my mom gets angry, she is terrifying. She must be the scariest mother in the whole world. Nobody else can be more terrifying than my mother. That day, I was forced to read that boring book that is just expensive with no reason and take three tests that my mother made. It was such a torture, and my little brother made fun of me while watching cartoons on television. I'm going to torture him next time, forcing him to read this book. I'm planning to make much harder tests for him.

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