Thursday, January 20, 2011

3rd person narratives - "The Creepy Brother"

For I have tried writing in the 2nd person perspective, I would like to try writing in the 3rd person perspective. This is a story about a younger brother who has strange habits, especially strange sleeping habits. He always wakes up at 2 A.M. and asks his older brother to get some water, and many more. His requirements are getting more strange and strange, day after day. That's why the title is The Creepy Brother.

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     Usually, Ricky sleeps very early for he thinks that enough sleep is the most important factor for him inspite of the enormous work that he hasn't done. However, tonight, he decided to stay up at night and finish all his work, for his history teacher has told him that his parents will have to come to the school if he does not do his homework properly until the due date. Tonight is the last chance for him to prevent his parents coming to school, so he knows that he has to concentrate on his work tonight. Rickys' little brother Jack who sleeps at 9 o'clock, which is the time when they both go to bed, is getting ready for sleep. Ricky envies him very much, for he is in elementary school and does not have much work to do. Jack is in bed, and Ricky is at the desk. Ricky thinks that this is unfair, but tries to calm down himself with the thought that Jack is going to have a hard time anyways, when he comes to highschool.
     Ricky is concentrating on his history presentation that is due tomorrow. He cannot understand anything from the thick book that is supposed to be used as a primary source. He uses the dictionary, but it is useless. He decides to get some background information from the internet and turns on the computer. He looked up in Wikipedia about the history topic, but it was also difficult to undestand. While he was having a difficult time preparing for his presentation, suddenly he hears a sound. He looked around, trying to find where that noise came from, and found out that his little brother was talking in his sleep. Ricky though it was funny, so he just laughed and kept on preparing for his presentation. He tried to concentrate on the book, but his brother was continuing making strange noises.
"Be quiet, Jack. I have to prepare this." Ricky said, in a silly voice, not even thinking that Jack will reply to it.
"Hey, go get me a cup of water." Jack replied in his sleep. Ricky was surprised, but he knew that talking in one's sleep is not an uncommon thing. He found it fun, and kept on trying to have a conversation with Jack, but Jack only said one thing as a reply, which is "Hey, go get me a cup of water." Ricky began to feel creepy. A few sleeptalking is what Ricky can understand, but repeating for about 30 times is not. He felt creepy, but just ignored Jack and concentrated on the history presentation.
     The next day, Ricky woke up early, nervous about the presentation that he will have today. While Ricky was brushing his teeth, Jack woke up.
"Oh, I'm so thirsty." Jack said while rubbing his eyes. Ricky was surprised. Jack was repeating the command to bring water yesterday night, and in the morning he is sayin that he is thirsty!!
"Do you know that you commanded me to bring water for you?" Ricky asked.
"No, not at all. Did I?" Jack answered in wonder. What he did for the whole night was sleeping.
"You did. You talked while you were sleeping. It was very creepy." Ricky said, wondering if he is acting.
"Really? That's interesting. I don't remember anything." Jack said, picking up his toothbrush.
"Go clean you teeth." Ricky said, "Don't forget to drink water."
     Ricky hoped that Jack won't make any strange noises again. At night, Ricky had to get ready for the speech. He always have a lot of things to do. While Ricky was organizing his speech, he heard a strange sound, but it was different from yesterday. Jack was mumbling in his sleep. Ricky wondered what he was saying.
"What are you saying, Jack?" Ricky asked. And suddenly, Jack came off from his bed and lied on the floor and said, "It's too small..."
"What's too small?"

"No, it's big."
"It's big?"
"It's too small!!" Jack shouted. Ricky was surprised. Jack never had a sleeping habit like this before. As time passed by, Jack's sleeping habits became more and more creepy. Due to this, Ricky told his mother that he wants to use a separate room, and his mother accepted. And now, nobody knows whether if Jack goes is into Ricky's room while sleeping or not.

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