Monday, January 17, 2011

2nd person narrative - "Before the Dance Party"

This is a fiction short story about before the dance party. It is written in the 2nd person perspective, in a position of a high school boy that is urging to know the time when the dance party is going to start. He calls three people and they all do not give him a clear answer. One doesn't even answer the phone. At last, a phone call comes from his best friend and every mystery is solved...

*  *  *

    You wake up and realize that today there is going to be a dance party at the gymnasium. However, you do not know the exact time when it is going to start. You call your best friend, but he does not answer. You call him again and again, waiting for him to answer the phone. After fifteen calls, a textmessage is sent to you from your best friend, saying that he is in an important conference that might change his entire life. You decide not to bother him, let him participate so well in the "important conference", more important than a friend. Instead, you decide to call a girl in your class that you had a crush on. After about 10 seconds, the girl answers the phone with a sleepy voice. You feel guilty of waking her up due to your call.
"Hello?" the girl says to you. You sudddenly want to play a trick on her.
"Hi, I'm the postman.." You answer, trying not to laugh.
"The postman? There's no reason to..." She said in a confused voice.
"Ha, ha. It's me!!" You shout in an excited voice. But there is no answer from her for 30 seconds.
"Hello? Hello?" You say, but the girl does not answer. You check the phone but the call was already cut off. You feel very futile, regretting the prank that you have played on her. You feel sorry to call her again, and she would have probably noticed who you are with the phone number. Now, the last and only person to call is the class representative, someone you dislike very much. You try to call him, but he also does not answer the phone. You call him about five times, and on the sixth call, a woman informs you that the phone is off. You feel very lonely, regretting your life and relationships made in school. Just then, a phone call comes from your best friend.
"Hey, the conference ended." your best friend says in a gloomy voice.
"Yeah, yeah, the conference that is more important than you friend." you say sarcastically.
"Ah.. the dance party." your friend replies.
"By the way, who do you have a conference with? A conference? you?" you ask in wonder.
"Our classmates, you weren't invited."
"Why not?" You say, kind of irritated.
"It's because..."
"You have to disguise as a woman." That was the most shockng thing that you have heard throughout today. 

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