Wednesday, January 26, 2011

THB Juveniles Who Commit Serious Crimes Should Be Tried As Adults

THB Juveniles Who Commit Serious Crimes Should Be Tried As Adults

I strongly believe that juveniles who commit serious crimnes should be tried as adults. There are several reasons why.

First of all, juvenile crimes are serious and so they need adult punishment. The rate of murders by kids has indeed been skyrocketing across the country. According to the National Crime Analysis Project of Northeastern University in Massachusetts, the number of 17-year-olds arrested for murder climbed 121 per cent in the latter half of the '80s; the number of 16-year-olds by 158 per cent; and the number of 15-year-olds by 217 per cent." Juvenile courts do not have the strong systems that are appropriate for the juveniles who commit serious crimes. The primary purpose of a justice is the prevention of crime and the protection of the innocent. It is to achieve these purposes that children should not be entitled to lenient punishment. The purposes of punishment are proportional retribution, deterrence and prevention of crime. Rehabilitation should at best be a secondary aim.

Furthermore, adult crimial system can help protecting the society. Adult criminal system helps protect the society from dangerous delinquents, because it keeps them locked up in prisons for a longer period of time, thus increasing the chance of their reformation. These systems work, same for the juveniles who commit serious crimes. Concern is growing as juveniles are becoming more violent and delinquent in their actions. Our motion, which is juveniles who commit serious crimes. They need harsh punishment, and we have to keep them in prison, giving them opportunities to reformate and rehabilitate. The adult criminal systems not only provide appropriate systems for juveniles but also provides protection of the society.

Finally, juveniles are punished too mildly in juvenile courts. Two years in prison for murder are ridiculous, not to mention that young criminals do not even get a criminal record. Crime is always a crime, consequences are always the same. No matter the exact age of the criminal, certain damage cannot be undone. Victims and their families do carry the consequences, therefore is just that the offender gets punished appropriately, based not on age, but the severity of the crime.

For these reasons, I strongly believe that juveniles who commit serious crimes should be tried as adults.

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